Double Sunset

Double SunsetDouble Sunset

Photo of Opportunity

I look around for new shots whenever I go for a walk, visit a place or drive around.

I pulled off the interstate to explore an abandoned barn–more on that in a previous post–and ended up finding a great opportunity with the sunset over this farm pond.

I just need a mountain and I’d be set. I don’t think Illinois will oblige me though.

One of the basic formulas of photography goes like this:

Sunset + Water = Good Photo

Another formula, that builds on the above:

Sunset + Water + Mountain = Great Photo

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6 comments on “Double Sunset

  1. This is beautiful! you’re right about a good photo and great photos, but this one has some great foliage, so that’s a plus!

  2. Thank you for taking my eyes traveling and giving them sights they would not find on their own. Thank you for sharing your gift.