Posts Tagged ‘iPhone wallpapers’

iPhone Photo Pack

I’ve had an iPod touch since version 1, but I kept saying I wouldn’t get an iPhone until it came to Verizon (which happened back on February 10). Today I finally made good on my claim and bought an iPhone 4.

To commemorate this historic event, I am releasing an exclusive iPhone Photo Pack.

This is a collection of my favorite and most popular photos, optimized specifically for the iPhone 4’s retina display. There are even a few photos that have not previously been shared on this website! Don’t have an iPhone? Hate Apple? No worries! These wallpapers will work on any smart phone that supports JPGs–which is all of them.

These photos are available free of charge–all you have to do is click on the image below to sign up for notifications when my website is updated. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be emailed a link to the wallpaper pack.

You can opt out of the email list at any time, but it is a great way to keep informed of updates. There is no spam, and your information will not be shared or sold under any circumstances. Eagle Scout’s Honor!