Posts Tagged ‘island’

Escape to Alcatraz

Escape to Alcatraz Escape to Alcatraz

Have you ever seen such a picturesque federal prison? I haven’t.

In all fairness it has been a national recreation area since 1972. This capture of “The Rock” is a handheld, “pseudo HDR”.1 I was standing up by Coit Tower when I took it, and I couldn’t get a clear shot from any place where there was room for my tripod.

I didn’t get to go onto the Island this trip, but I remember going there when I was in 5th grade.

I can just imagine Al Capone hanging out there, smoking a cigar. I also remember being intrigued by the “most successful” attempt to escape from Alcatraz, which resulted in three inmates being lost at sea, or so the feds claim. I like to image they made it ashore. It is only a mile and a half from terra firma and you could probably swim that distance, even if the water is absurdly cold.

I didn’t set foot on Alcatraz this go around, so it’s just another reason why I’ll have to go back to San Francisco! Are you noticing a pattern here?

  1. When just one image is tonemapped, instead of 3 or more []